I Made An Upusual Site

Developing while looking for work in Texas

About me

This website is partly for fun and partly to track my journey in coding knowledge, so I can demonstrate what I've learned. This website isn't pre-made! I'm hosting it on my own LEMP server that I setup and configured. It's not the usual, 'P,' though, since I'll be using Python (Django) instead of PHP. One might even say it's... UPusual

"UP... usual? What's that?" Well, I was searching for domains, and wanted something more original (not to mention shorter) than my name for a personal website. "Upusual," popped into my head because I whip up unusual ideas and projects and I figured, “why not?” and now I have a concise and original domain name.

Then again, it is also fitting in that my life resume is pretty unusual. Degree in geology, 8 or so years in oil and gas doing field work, but the computer science aspects are what caught my interests, since I found troubleshooting the acquisition systems to be more of a puzzle than a chore. So, while continuing my education in mathematics, I now make my own computer puzzles to solve by doing.