
Tags: first

Published May 1, 2020, 1:50 a.m. by Morgan

After much fiddling with virtual environments and figuring out the correct installation (location and versions) of everything, the Django-based blog application is finally off the ground—for those curious, or inclined to make their own, I used Django 3 By Example 3rd Ed. to guide me. Although, I'm still tweaking the interface, since I didn't go strictly by the book... as I recently found out, you're intended to use the framework for the WHOLE site, not just in a subdirectory. Knowing that beforehand probably would have made the entire process a lot simpler, but I suppose there is that extra bit of knowledge you get from having to fix something. I'll share that in post #2.

At any rate, I can finally start recording my unsolicited opinions for the world to see.

Besides being my first (real) application, which feels pretty cool, it also taught me how to use a WSGI, [The?] Gunicorn, and get a framework to correctly interact with a database, MariaDB, which also feels pretty cool.

I’m excited to start sharing ideas, future applications/tools I write, and guides from a relative newbie’s perspective. In regards to the latter, I think this is a strength in many ways, because a big challenge is that many resources aimed at beginners are not written in accessible language, which defeats the point.

Anyway, to those reading this, I hope you’ll stick with me as I continue my journey.

Hope to see you back soon,


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